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Nicole Amoyal Pensak PhD. PMH-C 


Current Positions

Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Owner Atlantic Coast Mind & Body

Co-Investigator R01 Trial at University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Prior Positions

Director of Psycho-Oncology, Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Hope Tower
Assistant Professor of Oncology, Georgetown University Medical Center
Assistant Scientist, Hackensack University Medical Center
Assistant Professor University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae


University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus Post-doctoral Fellow NIH T32 Fellowship in Aging and Palliative Care

Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School Postdoctoral Fellow

Yale University School of Medicine Predoctoral Fellow Clinical Psychology Behavioral Medicine Track

University of Rhode Island Doctor of Philosophy Focus Area: Health Psychology

Loyola University, Maryland Master of Science in Clinical Psychology


4M$ NCI R01 Cancer Caregivers and Their Struggle Between Work and Family 2019-2024

University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center

Investigating the Efficacy of an In-Person PEPRR intervention, a Mobilized Website Program Pep-Pal intervention, versus control to help caregivers to patients with cancer manage the stress of caregiving and job demands.

Status: Awarded Role: Co-Investigator

Survivorship Research Initiative Investigator Resources Pilot Grant  2018-2019
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Exploring Adherence to CDK4/6 Inhibitors among Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients
Status: Awarded Role: (CO-PI)

ACS Institutional Review Grant
Georgetown University School of Medicine
$30,000 to conduct: A Pilot Study of an Intervention to Improve Sexual Dysfunction
for Patients Treated with HSCT 2018-2019  

Career Development Award 2016-2018 National Palliative Care Research Center
$154,000.00 to conduct:
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Mobilized Psychoeducation
and Skills Based Intervention (Pep-Pal) for Caregivers of Patients with Advanced Illness.
This award provides funding for conducting the RCT and for career development mentorship.

T32 Fellowship Palliative Care Award 2016
$10,000.00 to conduct:
Developing a Mobilized Intervention for Caregivers of Patients
with Advanced Illness (Pep-Pal). This award funded the final video sessions used in Pep-Pal.
Status: Awarded May 2016

T32 Fellowship Palliative Care Award 2015-2016
$10,000.00 to conduct:
A Qualitative Mobile Intervention Development Study for
Improving Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, and Intimacy in Caregivers of Patients Receiving Autologous-HSCT.
Status: Awarded September 2015

Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program Award National Institutes of Health 2014-2016, 2017-2018


Enhancement of Graduate Research Award 2012 University of Rhode Island
$1000.00 Grant to conduct qualitative research for iHelp Panic:

An iPhone Application for Panic Attack Symptom Tracking and Exposure Activities to Enhance Panic Disorder Treatment.
Status: Awarded November 2012

University of Rhode Island Graduate Fellowship 2012 - 2013

Status: Awarded April 2012 Recipient from all University of Rhode Island Graduate Students.

Graduate Student Excellence in Health Psychology Focus Area Award 2012
University of Rhode Island Status:

Awarded from Department of Psychology for excellence in contributions to the field of Health Psychology.

Hope and Heritage Award 2012
Awarded to present at the Society for Behavioral Medicine Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Status: Awarded April 2012

Enhancement of Graduate Research Award 2011 University of Rhode Island
$1000.00 Grant to Develop iHelp Panic:
An iPhone Application for Panic Attack Symptom Tracking and Exposure Activities to Enhance Panic Disorder Treatment.
Status: Awarded December 2011

Graduate Research Assistantship, University of Rhode Island 2009 - 2012

Status: Awarded by Cancer Prevention Research Center


Hope and Heritage Award 2011 Awarded to present at the Society for Behavioral Medicine Conference in Washington D.C.
Status: Awarded April 2011


Conley, C.C., McIntyre, M., Pensak, N.A., Lynce, F., Graham, D., Ismail-Khan, R., Lopez, K., Vadaparampil, S.T., & O'Neill, S.C.  (In press).  Barriers and facilitators to taking CDK4/6 inhibitors among patients with metastatic breast cancer: A qualitative study. Breast Cancer Research & Treatment.


Sannes, TS; Ranby, KW; Yusufov, M; Brewer, BW; Jacobs, JM; Callan, S; Ulrich, GR; Pensak, NA; Natvig, CL; Laudenslager, ML.
(in press) More often than not, we’re in sync: Patient and caregiver well-being over time ...
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes.


Pensak, N. A., Carr, A. L., Jones, J., Mikulich‐Gilbertson, S. K., Kutner, J. S., Kilbourn, K., ... & Laudenslager, M. L. (2020).
A pilot study of mobilized intervention to help caregivers of oncology patients manage distress.

Greer, JA, Jacobs, JM, Pensak, N, Nisotel, LE, Fishbein, JN, MacDonald, JJ, Ream, ME, Walsh, EA, Buzaglo, J, Muzikansky, A, Lennes, IT, Safren, SA, Pirl, WF, Temel, JS. Randomized Trial of a Smartphone Mobile App to Improve Symptoms and Adherence to Oral Therapy for Cancer. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network. 2019. In press.

Greer, JA., Jacobs, J., Pensak, N., et al., Randomized Trial of a Tailored Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Mobile Application for Anxiety in Patients with Incurable Cancer. The Oncologist. January 2019. Doi.1634/theoncologist.2018-0536.

​Carr, A., Jones, J., Mikulich-Gilbertson, S., Laudenslager, M., Kutner, J., Kilbourn, K., Simoneau, T., Sannes, T., Brewer, B., Kolva, E., Joshi, T., Pensak, N.A. (In Press) Results from a Mixed-Methods Randomized Control Pilot Study of a Mobilized Intervention (Pep-Pal) to Help Caregivers of Patients with Advanced Illness Manage Distress. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Jacobs, J., Greer, J., Amoyal Pensak, N. P (In Press) Patient Experiences with Oral Chemotherapy: Adherence, Symptoms, and Quality of Life. Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network

El-Jawahri, A., Fishman S.R., Vanderklish, J., Dizon, D., Pensak, N.A., Traeger, L., Joseph A. Greer, Elyse  Park, Netana Markovitz, Lauren Waldman, Chrisa Hunnewell, Meredith Saylor, Jessica Driscoll , Zhigang Li , Thomas R. Spitzer, Steven McAfee, Yi-Bin Chen, Jennifer S. Temel (2018) Pilot Study of a Multimodal Intervention to Enhance Sexual Function in (HCT) Survivors. Cancer.

Hooker, S.A., Schmiege, S., Trivedi, R., Amoyal, N.R, Bekelman, D.B. (2017) Mutuality and heart failure self-care in patients and their informal caregivers. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing.  1(12). DOI: 10.1177/1474515117730184.

Amoyal, N.R.*, Joshi, T., Simoneau, T., Kilbourn, K., Carr, A., Kutner, J. A. & Laudenslager, M. A. (2017) Qualitative Mobile Intervention Development Study for Improving Symptoms of Distress in Caregivers of Patients Receiving Auto-HSCT. Journal of Medical Internet Research- Research Protocols.

Jacobs, J., Amoyal Pensak, N., Sporn, N., MacDonald, J., Lennes, I., Saffren, S., Pirl, W., Temel, J., & Greer, J. (2017) Treatment Satisfaction and Adherence to Oral Chemotherapy in Patients with Cancer. Journal of Oncology Practice.

Fishbein, J.N., Nisotel, L.E, MacDonald, J.J., Amoyal Pensak, N.*, Jacobs, J., Flanagan, C., Jethwani, K., & Greer, J. (2017) Development of a mobile application for adherence to oral chemotherapy and symptom management. Journal of Medical Internet Research.

Amoyal, N.R., Fernandez, A., Ng, R., Fehon, D. (2016) Measuring Coping Behavior in Liver Transplant Patients: A Psychometric Analysis of the Brief COPE. Progress in Transplantation.

Greer, J., Amoyal N.R., Nisotel, L., Fishbein, J., MacDonald, J., Stagl, J., Temel, J.S., Saffren, S., & Pirl, W.F. (2017) A Systematic Review of Adherence to Oral Antineoplastic Therapies. Oncologist.

Amoyal, N.R., Nisotel, L., Dizon, D., Sexual Recovery after Cancer (2015). Current Sexual Health Reports.

Fernandez, A. C., Amoyal, N. R., Paiva, A., Prochaska, J. O. (2016). Motivation for HPV vaccination among young adult men: Validation of TTM decisional balance and self-efficacy constructs. American Journal of Health Promotion, 30 (3), 163 – 171.

Robbins, M.L., Paiva, A., Amoyal, N.R., Brick, L., Kessler, D., Burditt, C., Caltabiano, M., & Shaz, B. (2015). Acceptability and Feasibility of a Culturally Tailored Internet-Delivered Intervention to Promote Blood Donation in Blacks. Health Promotion Practice, 16(2), 227-35. PMID: 24801019.

Waterman, A. Robbins, M.L., Paiva, A., Peipert, J., Davis, L., Hyland, S., S. Schenk, E. Amoyal, N.R., (2015) Measuring Kidney Patients’ Motivation to Pursue a Living Donor Kidney Transplant: Development of Stage of Change, Decisional Balance and Self-efficacy Measures. Journal of Health Psychology. PMID: 2415594

Waterman, A.D., Robbins, M.L., Paiva, A.L., Peipert, J.D., Kynard-Amerson, C.S., Goalby, C., Davis, L., Thein, J., Schenk, E., Baldwin, K.A., Skelton, S., Amoyal, N., & Brick, L. (2014). Your Path to Transplant: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Tailored Computer Education Intervention to Increase Living Donor Kidney Transplant. BMC Nephrology, 15,166. Epub doi: 10.1186/1471-2369-15-166. PMID: 25315644.

Fernandez, A., Lipshitz, J., Larson, E., Amoyal, N.R., Blaney, C., Sillice, M., Meyer, K., Redding, C., Prochaska, J. & Paiva, A. (2013). Disease Prevention without Relapse: Processes of Change for HPV Vaccination. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine. 3(3): 301-309

Paiva, A.L., Amoyal, N.R., Johnson, J.L., & Prochaska, J.O. (2014). Adolescent Substance Use Initiation: Correlates of Profiles of Prevention. Journal of Early Adolescence.

Amoyal, N.R., Robbins, M., Paiva, A., Burditt, C., Kessler, D., & Shaz, B (2012). Measuring the Processes of Change for Increasing Blood Donation in Black Adults. Transfusion; 53(6):1280-90. Doi: 10.1111/j.1537-2995.2012.03864.x.


Amoyal, N.R., & Fallon, E (2012). Physical and Cognitive Exercise Clinical Interventions Potential for Slowing Degeneration in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Review of the Recent Literature. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation, 28 (3): 208-216.

Paiva, A.L., Prochaska, J.O., Yin, H., Rossi, J.S., Redding, C.A., Blissmer, B, Robbins, M.L., Velicer, W.F., Lipschitz, J. M., Amoyal, N.R., Babbin, S., Blaney, CL., Sillice, M.A., Fernandez, A., McGee, H., & Horiuchi, S. (2012). Treated individuals who progress to action or maintenance for one behavior are more likely to make similar progress on another behavior: Coaction results of a pooled data analysis of three trials. Preventive Medicine, 54: 331-334.

Amoyal, N.R., Mason, S.T., Corry, N., Gould, N., Mahfouz, S. Barkey, A., & Fauerbach, J.A. (2011) Measuring Coping Behavior in Patients with Major Burn Injuries: A Psychometric Evaluation of the Brief COPE in a Burn Population. Journal of Burn Care Research, 32(3): 392-398.

Gould, N.F., McKibben, J., McCann, U., Amoyal, N.R., Corry, N., Hall, R., Mason, S.T., & Fauerbach, J.A. (2011) Peritraumatic heart rate as a predictor of acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder in patients with burn injury. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry. 72(4): 539-47.

Mason, S. T., Corry, N., Gould, N., Amoyal, N.R, Gabriel,V., Wiechman Askay, S., Holavanahalli, R., Banks, S., Arceneaux, L. L., & Fauerbach, J. A. (2010). Growth Trajectories of Distress in Burn Patients. Journal of Burn Care Research, January/ February 31(1):64-72.

Amoyal, N.R.*, Laudenslager, M., Kilbourn, K., Simoneau, T., & Kutner, J. A Development Study of a Mobile Intervention for Reducing Distress in Caregivers of Patients Receiving Autologous-Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: Results from Stakeholder Groups. Accepted for presentation as a Citation Poster at the American Psychosomatic Society. Denver, CO., April 2016.

Amoyal, N.R.*, Laudenslager, M., Kilbourn, K., Simoneau, T., & Kutner, J. A Qualitative Mobile Intervention Development Study for Improving Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, and Intimacy in Caregivers of Patients Receiving Autologous-HSCT. Seminar Presentation. Accepted for presentation at the Society for Behavioral Medicine. Washington, D.C., April 2016.

Amoyal, N.R.*, Nisotel, L., Traeger, L., Stagl, J., Greer, J. (2015) Sexual Satisfaction in Patients taking Oral Chemotherapies for Advanced Cancer. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Amoyal, N.R.*, Nisotel, L., Traeger, L., Stagl, J., & Greer, J. (2015) A Review of Non-Pharmacologic Interventions for Enhancing Women’s Sexual Adjustment after Gynecologic Cancer. Poster presentation. Society for Sex Therapy and Research. Boston, MA.

Amoyal, N.R.*, Fehon, D., Ng, R., Jones, A., Sledge, W. (2014) Measuring Coping Behavior in Liver Transplant Patients: A Psychometric Analysis of the BCOPE. Poster presented at the annual conference of the Society for Behavioral Medicine. Philadelphia, PA.

Amoyal, N.R.* Symposia: Measuring the Processes of Change for Increasing Blood Donation in Black Adults. Symposia to be presented at the American Society for Clinical Pathology Teleconference. April 3, 2014.

Amoyal, N.R.*, Paiva, A., Fernandez, A., Johnson, S., Evers, K., Prochaska, J. (2012). Prosocial Emotional Experience and Well-being: the Relationship between Elevation and Sleep, Diet, Stress, Social Well Being, and Well Being Functioning. Poster presentation. Society for Behavioral Medicine. New Orleans, LA.

Amoyal, N.R., Robbins, M., & Paiva, A. * (2011). Altruism and Elevation: Prosocial Emotional Experience and Prosocial Behavior. Poster presentation. American Psychological Society. Washington D.C.

Amoyal, N.R.*, Sherman, M., Lyons, H., & LoPresto, C. (2011). Elevation and its relation to Axis II functioning and depression. Poster presentation. Eastern Psychological Association. Cambridge, MA.

Amoyal, N.R.*, Paiva, A., Burditt, C., Robbins, M., & Kessler, D. (2011). Validation of the TTM Processes of Change measure for Blood Donation in an African American Sample. Poster Presentation. Society of Behavioral Medicine. Washington D.C.

Pence, L., Corry, N., Amoyal, N.R.*, Mason, S., Gould, N., Young, L., & Fauerbach, J. (2009). Neuroticism, Psychological Distress, and Chronic Pain Severity. Seminar Presentation. American Burn Association. San Antonio, TX.



Journal of Medical Internet Research Reviewer (August 2018, March 2017, December 2016, September 2016)

Bone Marrow Transplantation: Nature Reviewer (August 2016)

American Journal of Public Health Co-reviewer (October 2013)

Transfusion Reviewer (July 2012)

The Journal of Health Psychology Reviewer (February 2014, May 2012, March 2012, August 2011)

Association for Psychological Science Grant (RISE) Reviewer (March 2012)

Transfusion Review Co-reviewer (July 2011)

Health Psychology Co-reviewer (March 2010, December 2009)

affiliated with expert network of cognitive behavioral therapy in new york city

Dr. Nicole Amoyal Pensak PhD, PMH-C

Clinical Psychologist | Author | Researcher

Psychotherapy in NJ, NY, and 40 Other States


p. 609.283.2056

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Mailing Address: PO Box 19, 20 Church Street, Little Silver, NJ 07739

© 2020-2023 by Nicole Pensak, PhD, PMH-C | Licensed Psychologist, Evidence-based Anxiety Treatment 

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Dr. Nicole Amoyal Pensak, Clinical Psychologist
online counseling and therapy for anxiety and depression
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